
Hello lovelies

Here in Sweden, the situation is still relatively relaxed. All stores, restaurants and cafés are open. However, we are being advised everywhere to keep a 2-meter distance, wash and disinfect our hands, sneeze into our elbows and stay at home if we feel ill. And people here adhere to these guidelines very well. Many older people have voluntarily gone into home quarantine and we support them by running errands for them and keeping in touch by phone so that they don't completely lose contact with the outside world.

We have already been asked several times that the current political approach of completely infecting the population is very questionable. We don't really want to take a political stance here, but we would like to point out that we are not being irresponsibly exposed to an epidemic just because there is not a complete state of emergency and panic. If you look at the current figures for illnesses and deaths, you would have to acknowledge that we don't have any more cases here than in isolated foreign countries. But swimming against the mainstream is not easy, of course, and we hope that Sweden will stay the course. But that's just a side note.

We have 9 hectares of forest at the RelaxRanch, the houses are far apart and each house has its own garden area. Keeping a safe distance of 2 meters is therefore easy 😊.

However, we understand if some of you would prefer to postpone your trip due to the situation and are offering you the opportunity to make up your vacation within 12 months of your booked arrival date in 2020 (+/- 7 days). However, as the current situation can change very quickly, we hope to see you this year. However, if you already know that you would prefer to postpone your trip, we would be grateful if you could let us know as soon as possible.

In the meantime, we wish you all the best, hang in there and stay healthy. We look forward to seeing you, whether this year or in 2021!

Varmt välkommen

Your RelaxRanch team

Martin, Ilvy and Tim