

4-week ONLINE retreat

Do you feel tired, worn out, sad and long for inner peace, balance and joy? Do you want to become the forger of your own happiness and no longer find your truth and wisdom on the outside but rather on the inside - in the depth of your soul?

I offer to accompany you on the old path - the path to nature within yourself and back to your original life force. I listen to you. Show you ways that can make your life a little easier. Support you when you need a little push of courage to try something new. I am there for you when you want to tell me about your success. Or if you need encouragement to get up after you have fallen down.

We will talk to each other, practice healing yoga together to strengthen and stretch your body and help it - along with your mind and spirit - to rest and relax.

With Jin Shin Jyutsu® I will dissolve existing energy blockages so that energy can flow freely within you and you can live your full potential. With simple movements that I will show you, you can dissolve your blockages yourself and support your body to fully work and develop its ingenious self-healing powers.

Start taking your life into your own hands, be a creator of abundance and love and discover who you are in truth. I am happy to accompany you on your personal journey.

In this 4-week journey. đź’–unstoppableđź’– the following services are included:

Initial/clarification consultation of approx. 30min
2 consultations/week online via Zoom of approx. 1h each
1 Jin Shin Jyutsu® remote treatment/week of approx. 1h each
1 private yoga lesson/week online via Zoom of approx. 1h each

Cost: SEK 14'500